St Joseph's Society


Monsignor Turner died at Ince Blundell Hall on August 17th. 1976. He was born in Darlington in 1889 but spent his childhood in Preston. He was educated at St. Edward’s and Upholland where he was ordained in 1918. He returned to St. Edward’s as Prefect of Discipline and continued in the same office at Upholland after the transfer of the Junior Seminary. In 1926 he became Procurator. Ten years later he was appointed organiser of the Cathedral Fund – a work which he continued until his retirement in 1968. He became a Canon in 1944 and a Domestic Prelate in 1950. In 1965 he became Provost of the Chapter in succession to Monsignor Bennett, and on the opening of the Cathedral, to which he had devoted so much of his life, he was made a Protonotary Apostolic.

He died in Ince Blundell Hall just two weeks before his 86th birthday. May he rest in peace.

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