St Joseph's Society

• 1975

76th AGM, Chair for 1975/6 vacant. Nominations from the floor. Mgr. Tom Barry "graciously accepted the honour", and with great relief and much rejoicing, he was declared "elected!"

• 1977

AGM informed "since last year, the Junior Seminary had formed an Old Boys Association called ‘the Upholland Alumni Association.’ Mgr. Butchard said "Now we have two Old Boys' Associations for one seminary." He recommended amalgamation. Fr. O’Neill spoke against this proposal.

• 1980

Golden Jubilee of the dedication of the College Chapel.

Valediction to Alma Mater

The St. Joseph's Society are former students of the College and when asked, many were happy to give us their candid and very personal memories of their time at Upholland. Unsurprisingly, for some, not everything was to their liking all of the time, but overall, the majority in this piece, priest or layman, were glad for their experience of life at the College and it is this that we celebrate in our website.

The Council wishes to thank all those who have willingly contributed to the content, but we acknowledge especially Fr JAMES PRESTON, Vocations Director, NEIL SAYER, Archdiocesan Archivist, LIZ MAGUIRE, The Chancery/Curia, PETER HENEGAN, Press Officer, KEVIN MANNIX, TOM MURPHY, Catholic Pictorial, and CHRIS BARKER of Blundellsands.

Our grateful thanks also for the contribution to, and prayerful support of, this project by the CARMELITE COMMUNITY of Maryton Grange.

Click below to listen the Te Deum

• 1983

Centenary of the College with Mass and celebrations later.

• 1984

AGM approved the cost of "renovation and redecoration of the Lady Shrine."

• 1988

AGM agreed that "Reunion Day would now be fixed each year on the Tuesday after Trinity Sunday."

• 1997

AGM informed that "Society membership was around 350."

• 1999

Society’s Centenary Year. Its centrepiece was a College badge, designed and made in the 1950s while students, by Bishop Malone and Fr. Billy Mills. It is now on permanent display in the Cathedral / Lutyens Crypt.

• 2000/04

Society dormant. With the College closed and for sale, the Society could not meet there, so no Reunions were organised.

• 2005

AGM at St. Teresa’s, Upholland. The decision was taken for the Society to continue, and donations to Carmel were approved.

• 2010

The Gradwell Collection from the College Library was transferred to St. Catherine’s Buildings at Liverpool Hope University, with a ceremony highlighting the College and the Library.

• 2011

AGM donated £1500 towards the computerisation of the cataloguing system for the Collection.

• 2013

AGM donated £1000 to the Chigwell Sisters, who served the College so faithfully for so many years.

• 2014

AGM was informed that two icons, the gift of the Society, were now in place at the new Carmel chapel at Maryton, as also were the Stations of the Cross by Stufflesher, formerly from the College and now installed in a separate part of the monastery.

• 2018

AGM mandated Council to proceed with the St. Joseph’s Society website.