St Joseph's Society


Basil William Walker was born in St Helens on 13th October 1920, the son of John and Teresa Walker. His early education was at Windleshaw and West Park Grammar Schools, St Helens, before pursuing his ecclesiastical studies at Upholland College. He was ordained priest in St Joseph’s Chapel, Upholland on 14th June 1946.

Following his ordination he was loaned to the Diocese of Lancaster, serving for a period at Blessed Sacrament, Ribbleton. Upon his return to the Archdiocese he was appointed as curate to Fr James Dillon at SS Peter & Paul, Haresfinch, in September 1950. In December 1951 he returned to Upholland College as Prefect of Discipline. He then held two curacies; firstly as assistant to Canon Walter Ormsby at Blessed Sacrament, Aintree, from 1958 until June 1968, and thereafter at SS Peter & Paul, Crosby, as assistant to Monsignor Joseph Turner.

In January 1972 he was appointed Parish Priest of Sacred Heart, Kirkby, and then he moved to St Theresa, Sutton Manor in October 1977. He was appointed to the parish of St Julie, Eccleston, in January 1983, when he succeeded Fr Cyril Higham, the parish’s first Parish Priest. Upon relinquishing St Julie’s parish in August 1992 he went into retirement, but returned to active ministry in October 1997 as chaplain to the Lourdes Hospital. His definitive retirement came in 2005 and he went to live at the Old Rectory at Formby, only moving to Ince Blundell shortly before his death.

He died on Friday 7th June 2013. May he rest in peace.

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