St Joseph's Society


Francis Turner was born in Preston on 3rd April, 1894. He went to school at St Augustine's, Preston, before training for the priesthood at St Edward's College, Liverpool, Upholland College, Oscott College, and the Institute Catholique, Paris. His training was interrupted in the final year of the First War during which he saw active service in France and Belgium. He was finally ordained priest in the Carmelite Church in Paris on 31st March, 1923, joining two others brothers in the priesthood. After gaining a first class honours degree in Modern Languages at Cambridge University he became a member of the staff at Upholland College in 1926. In 1928 he began twenty five years' service as a chaplain to the Upholland Carmel and while teaching at the College he also started his pastoral work in the local community which culminated in the foundation of St Teresa's parish in 1949. As the Parish Priest, Fr Turner saw through the building and consecration of the new church. He retired in September 1971 but stayed local to the College and St Teresa's until March 1983 when failing health forced his move to Nazareth House, Ditton. He died on 11th January, 1984. May he rest in peace.

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