St Joseph's Society


Peter Wilkinson was born in Billinge on 2nd October 1941 and his early education was at St Marie’s School, Standish. He studied for the priesthood at St Joseph’s College, Upholland where he was ordained on 4th June 1966.

Following ordination he studied Theology for three years at the Gregorian University in Rome whilst living at the English College. He returned to England in September 1969 and undertook further studies at Manchester University leading to an MA in Theology.

In September 1970 he joined the staff at St Joseph’s College, Upholland where he taught Theology and where he will be remembered for his insights into the subject and as an excellent colleague who was popular with the students. In September 1976 he moved to Ushaw College, Durham to continue his teaching and lecturing work in Theology.

On his return to the Archdiocese in 1979 he was appointed to work with the Upholland Northern Institute based at St Joseph’s College. His teaching work with the Institute involved in-service training for clergy and work with groups of lay people from throughout the Archdiocese and beyond. Many found his work on the introduction of the documents of the Second Vatican Council to be inspiring and warmed quickly to his style and manner as he explained the Church after the Council. Parish groups learned from him of the new role of lay people in the Church and their active involvement in the life of their parish community was, and still is, a tribute to his work. The Upholland Northern Institute will be remembered for its production of taped talks and lectures which circulated throughout the country and in particular one produced by Father Peter Wilkinson explaining the Second Vatican Council Document on the Church: Lumen Gentium.

From 1981 he served on the Ecumenism Commission of the Archdiocese of Liverpool becoming Chair in 1987, an appointment he held until his death. In 1984 he became Secretary to the Theological Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, a role in which he worked until 1991. He was also instrumental in the formation of the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain and served as Secretary to it.

A major area of concern for him was Sacramental theology, an interest which led him to write ‘Focus on the Sacraments’ which was published in 1987. The book examined each Sacrament in turn in relation to Jesus and the Church and is still used by those involved in promoting the Sacramental life of the Church.

In June 1987 he was appointed as Parish Priest of St Clare’s, Liverpool, where he was to remain until his death. His parishioners will remember him as a caring and well-loved Parish Priest who was very much in touch with them and their lives. He will also be remembered for his inspiring liturgy and his refurbishment of the church which became part of the Open Churches project. He enjoyed travelling and led his parish on a number of pilgrimages including visits to Rome. In February 1991 he was appointed as an Honorary Canon of the Chapter of Liverpool’s Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.

In 1999 he was appointed as Director of Clergy Ongoing Formation for the Archdiocese and had recently begun to organise the first of what are to become annual residential weeks for clergy in-service training. He had also recently taken over responsibility for convening regular meetings of the Deans of the Archdiocese.

He was taken ill suddenly on Saturday 5th May 2001 and died peacefully in the Cardio Thoracic Centre, Liverpool on the evening of Friday 18th May 2001. May he rest in peace.

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