St Joseph's Society


Fr Antrobus was born on the 9th December 1906, in Walton, Liverpool. He received his early education at St Francis de Sales and St Francis Xaviers before going on to Upholland where he was ordained in 1932. After a few months work at the Pro-Cathedral he went to St Marie's, Southport, Sacred Heart, Leigh and St Bede's, Widnes. In 1941 he went as a chaplain to the Army. The last two years of the war he spent as a prisoner of war in Germany. After his release, he continued as a chaplain until 1952. He spent short periods as an assistant at St Gerard's, Liverpool and St Agnes, Huyton, before being appointed parish priest at St Austin's, Thatto Heath. In 1961 he returned to Huyton as parish priest of St Aidan's. In January 1968 he suffered a heart attack. He recovered and returned to work, but this proved to be the beginning of a steady deterioration in his health. He was found dead in his presbytery on the morning of January 4th 1973. May he rest in peace.

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