St Joseph's Society


Father Tom Leigh, who died aged 75, was particularly associated with Speakeasy, a group he founded for young people in the parish of St William of York, Thornton, in 1976. Originally it was intended as a discussion group, so that young people might have a better understanding of their faith and not merely attend Mass on Sundays. Very quickly it transformed and grew into a 40-strong music group that sang regularly at Mass in the parish. Father Tom explained that the name Speakeasy came from the fact that in origin the members of the group were given the freedom to ask anything, and an attempt was always made to give an honest and positive answer. An alternative etymology was much more down to earth, suggesting that an early member looked around the room at all the guitars and guitar cases and suggested, “This looks like a Speakeasy!” What is not in doubt is that this group became quite influential in the musical and spiritual life of the Archdiocese. Over the years they sang regularly during the Archdiocesan pilgrimages to Lourdes, they sang to greet Pope John Paul II on his arrival at Speke Airport in May 1982, and they sang at various ordinations and celebrations at the Cathedral. In 2017 he reflected on his association with this group following their 40th anniversary celebrations in November 2016. “My own reaction was – a lump in my throat, fighting back tears, sheer pride and delight, and above all, wonder. God had inspired a group of people, who had been given the chance and opportunity to bring joy to their faith, and to relearn what the Hebrew word ALLELUIA, which features in our liturgies so often, really means….WOW, GOD!!!”

To a generation of seminarians in the 1980s Father Tom Leigh was a significant figure in his capacity as Vocations’ Director. By the time he took up this post many of the aspirants to the priesthood had no experience of life in a junior seminary. Tom was able to guide them with grace and good humour through the various stages of the selection process, as well as providing invaluable assistance at various points along the journey through seminary, not least in arranging the various pastoral placements in the Archdiocese. During this period as Director (1980-1987) there was something of an upturn in the number of ordinations and candidates entering the seminary.

Tom Leigh spent his early life in Liverpool, where he was born on 22nd August 1942, the son of Thomas and Mary Leigh. His early education took place at St Elizabeth’s School, Litherland, and St Wilfrid’s Secondary School, Litherland, before he entered the seminary at St Joseph’s College, Upholland. He was one of three priests ordained by Archbishop George Andrew Beck at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool, on 11th May 1969.

Following ordination, he served in three parishes as assistant priest: St Ambrose, Speke (August 1969); St Hugh of Lincoln, Liverpool (September 1971) and St William of York, Thornton (May 1976). In September 1980, Tom was asked by Archbishop Derek Worlock to take up the post of Vocations’ Director in the Archdiocese. Consequently he moved from Thornton to take up residence at St Mary’s, Lowe House, St Helens. There, together with Fathers Vincent Hughes, David Melly and Richard Sloan, he formed part of the first community of diocesan priests to care for that parish following the departure of the Jesuits.

In May 1987 he relinquished his post as Vocations’ Director and moved to Holy Name, Fazakerley, to take up his first appointment as Parish Priest. He served there for just over eight years before he was transferred to St Patrick’s, Churchtown, Southport in September 1995. It was during his tenure at Churchtown that the new church was built (1999-2000) perpendicular to the existing church. Following his retirement in November 2011, he moved back to his native Litherland. His health, which had never been robust, deteriorated particularly in his last twelve months and he had many periods of hospitalisation. He died peacefully on the evening of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (2017) surrounded by members of his family. May he rest in peace.

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