St Joseph's Society


At the College 1944-1954, including three years of Army service.

In September 1948 a motley collection of young men assembled at Upholland College. Some were at the College for the first time, others continuing their presence as they progressed from the School to the Upper House. Some were resuming their studies after serving in the Forces - one after being a Bevin Boy - in other words he was ordered down the coal mines rather than the armed forces. Yet those there for the first time were a mixed bunch. Some had come straight from various schools, some from the Forces and one or two from civilian employment. Most came from the Archdiocese of Liverpool and some from Lancaster Diocese or Salford Diocese. Two came from Northampton Diocese and one from Leeds Diocese. It is fair to say that the College had never seen the likes. Fortunately the establishment survived the shock and, with one or two problems ironed out, this strange collection settled in to communal life. Not all stayed for six years and to Ordination. Nevertheless in June 1954, 21 were ordained. Alas! Only four are left today to remember with pleasure and affection our years together at Upholland and to pray for the repose of the souls of those who have gone before us.

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