St Joseph's Society


At the College 1966 -1972

In September of 1966, after England had won the World Cup, I arrived at St Joseph’s Upholland, having graduated from St Michael’s Underley Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale. I was eighteen years plus (nearly 19 years old).

I am afraid the six years at Upholland were not easy years. The Vatican Council II had just finished and so there were many conflicts in play in College life. For example a new academic curriculum had been introduced and this reflected what had happened in the Council and the Church and the Seminary were on catch up! We had four eight week terms with a major subject and a minor subject. It was very intense with tutorials, lectures seminars and lots of essays to write.

At the same time socially we were very restricted and even though we were young adults we were treated like children. The pub was a no! no! - and if found in a pub - immediate expulsion!! Fortunately for me I had Grandparents living in Wigan and in fact Wigan is the place where I was born. So going to see them was a great escape - so to speak!!

I do remember with fondness a lot of the professors on the staff and they were encouraging and helpful. Tom Worden was a great man and at times could be rather foreboding. But Bill Dalton always kept us amused with his dry wit. While John Gaine was helpful and very officious as Master of Discipline.

One of the highlights was the opening of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool and going to listen to the magnificent “Te Deum” by Berlioz; and also attending my first ordination when Eddie Gould’s year were ordained in the Cathedral during the week’s opening ceremonies.

In May 1972 (28th) I was ordained to the priesthood and here is a photo of celebrating Mass for the first time in St Cuthbert’s Blackpool. Six years ago I celebrated forty years of priesthood and I am still battling on. A miracle and I give praise to God and thank Him for all his guidance through my years.

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