St Joseph's Society


At the College 1958-1971 Student, 1974-1979 Prefect.

When I am in my flat on a Wednesday, I try to make a point of listening to Choral Evensong on Radio Three at 3.30. This last Wednesday (3.10.18) the liturgy came from Assisi, it being the eve of St Francis’ Feast Day. One of the motets sung was ‘Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes…like the deer that yearns for running streams.’ The composer was Palestrina, and I found myself able to sing the treble part perfectly after all these years. This was one of the many pieces of the Schola repertoire of which I was a member in 1958 and throughout.

Schola played a vital part of the College liturgy – to be seen in the context of the whole assembly, rather than a group of experts engaged in a ‘concert to God’. Nowhere was this more evident for the whole College than on the solemn feasts of Christmas, Holy Week and Easter.

The motets we sang were by Mitterer, Ingeniere and Vittoria. I remember particularly the first motet of Christmas Matins – ‘Hodie nobis, coelorum Rex, de Virgine nasci dignatus est’ – totally enthralling and uplifting. This sacred music enriched the solemn celebration.

Schola was (1958 onwards) under the direction of Fr A.K Snape (Upholland Prof. 1958-78 – RIP 7.2.17). His was a direction of great leadership, dedication, industry and initiative. Most of the polyphony sung can be obtained by downloading the relevant CDs. Some that easily come to mind are 'Sicut Cervus (Palestrina), Christmas and Holy Week Responses, Ecce Sacerdos Magnus, O Sacrum Convivium (Byrd), O Filii et Filiae, Agnus Dei (Byrd)'.

As a privileged member of Schola, both in the School and the Upper House, I was part of a ministry that helped all of us in Chapel to realise our position by leading and sustaining the singing. I have always considered this part of Upholland life as being the best.

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