St Joseph's Society

St. Joseph's Society

St. Joseph’s College, Upholland opened in 1883 and the Josephian Society was formed in 1896, at a College Reunion attended by 47 past students.

The following year, with over 80 members, it was resolved that the objects of the Society would be;

‘To further the interests of the College, a bond of union, and to promote the spiritual welfare of its members.’

The Society’s progress and development has reflected the life cycle of the College. It began with energy and optimism, and was expanded in the 1920s, when it merged with the Edwardian Society, after the closure of St. Edward’s junior seminary, in Liverpool.

The high watermark of the Society was around 1960, with 400 members, of whom around 180 on average, attended Reunion Day.

Today, with the College closed more than 20 years, barely 30 members attend our day. Nonetheless, memories of our time at the College still abound, and some of these are shared, below, before the Society, having served its purpose, will in due time, have to consider its own future.

Click to listen to A Solis Ortus Cardine


Extracts, in time line, of significant matters of AGM business since 1896.

• 1898

Council proposed that "students will be provided with a little festivity on the day of the AGM, at the expense of the Society."

• 1899

"£10 granted from Society funds towards the cost of horizontal and parallel bars, for use by the students." College authorities to arrange.

• 1900

Council unanimous, that the character of the Annual Meeting be lightened. "A Toast and Song List is to be drawn up and approved."

The First Printed Report from 1903

This is a listing of AGM business and a register of members.

Please click on the small image to view the larger one.

• 1901

AGM approved "£10 grant towards the work of forming a new lake within the College boundaries."

• 1908

AGM approved, and members subscribed, "to a painting of Bishop O’Reilly."

• 1920

AGM at St. Edward’s College approved the amalgamation of both Societies, to become "St. Joseph’s Society."

• 1923

Council proposed "a new crest for the College, recognising St. Edward and the new patron, St. Joseph." Rt. Rev. Mgr. Canon Crank, of Chorley, to design it.

• 1925

AGM "Society offers gift (to £500 over several years) towards laying out a cricket pitch, following the building of the new wings of the College."

Canon Walmsley is unwilling to part with the grazing land.

• 1925 (Cont)

He later changed his mind, in a letter.

"Dear Canon Crank, I suppose it is useless to keep the flood of worldliness out of the College now, and so, with reluctance, I must submit. You can have your cricket pitches."

• 1932

AGM informed "not enough money for a swimming pool and a gymnasium." Approval was given to funding towards the cost of the gymnasium.

• 1934/1973

Minute Book missing

1928 St Joseph's Day

Back row includes - Fr J Turner and Fr F Turner
Front row includes - Bishop Pearson, Dr Dean and Dr Downey

1929 First Cricket XI

Literally, around time of the first cricket pitch.

St. Joseph's Society was founded in 1896 and Reunion Day is held annually. For many decades, however, the early Minute Books were missing, presumed lost, and so, with what remained, and in good faith, 1999 was celebrated as our Centenary Year.

In 1999, The Pic reported "A Memorable Upholland Reunion for St Joseph's Society", when over 90 priests and lay people from the Liverpool Archdiocese and dioceses around the country, including Lancaster, Leeds and Northampton, gathered at the College for their yearly meeting.

Archbishop Patrick Kelly, concelebrated this special Mass with more than 50 priests, and reminded members "that gathering in community and fellowship gave continuity to these important meetings."

Later, the old boys enjoyed a champagne reception to mark the significance of this event, and took the opportunity to meet familiar friends and faces, and to reminisce about old times.